


Krannert Center / Lyric Theatre Student Excellence Fund

In February, co-directors of Lyric Theatre at Illinois, Nathan and Julie Gunn and Krannert Center Director Mike Ross launched the Krannert Center / Lyric Theatre Student Excellence Fund.

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Happy New Year!

Dear friends,

It looks like I haven’t written for a couple of years! There’s a New Year’s Resolution—I will be better in 2020.

The fall of 2019 was full of happy collaborations—our production company Shot in the Dark premiered its second show ever—Drytown: A living room vaudeville.  Nathan and I were joined with our Lyric Theatre colleagues Michael Tilley and Sarah Wigley in making a show about making a show.  The hilarious Susan Werner wrote us some songs for it, memorably “Hey! You look tired” a song about beloved guests who have overstayed their welcome.  We’ve used it at home a few times since, as needed.

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2017-2018 Season

The 2017-18 season promises to be an exciting one! Nathan and I will be celebrating American Songs at the DeBartolo Center (get ready to sing along!) and touring our cabaret to Nashville, Thomasville, Kalamazoo, Palm Desert, and Beverly Hills.

We’ll be in DC and LA to celebrate the Krannert Center with alumni and friends, and proud to produce four Lyric Theatre @ Illinois shows: [title of show], Hansel and Gretel, Don Giovanni (Nathan’s directorial debut!) and She Loves Me. We’ll keep you posted about masterclasses and other gatherings along the way.

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